Let me introduce myself. I am David Skonecki and this is my 18th year as a classroom teacher at Burdick School in Milwaukee and my 7th year with Cardinal Stritch University. I have been actively incorporating digital technology with the curriculum since 1992 and have witnessed a true evolution in student learning. Students are now active participants in the information age and are using technology like never before. Most of this interaction is positive, but I have some worries. Do students have the attention span and the patience to absorb knowledge, or are they just consumers of information which can be discarded after it is used? Are students able to negotiate the digital minefield of online predatory behavior? Do we as educators have the knowledge to teach our children necessary communication skills while protecting them from the threats that lurk in the connected world?
Tell me a little something about you and your thoughts on technology and education.
OK. I am going to try this again. I'm not sure my last comment was added, since I am reading a message that says "no comments yet." I enjoyed the first class meeting. I think it will be beneficial for me. My background consists of 7 years of teaching, a masters in education, and a masters in library Science from UNCG Greensboro. The library program was by far the toughest I have been through...40 credits! I almost went insane. I spent 5 years in NC and loved the weather. I was also a NASCAR widow, while my husband traveled with Jeff Gordon and Jimmie Johnson as a mechanic and tire carrier. I am currently working at Slinger High School as the media specialist and I love my new job! See you on Thursday! Shelly Christman
My name is Amanda Flood. I have been teaching for 4 years, all of which have been at Kennedy Middle School in Germantown. I teach in the sixth grade...four sections of math and one section of reading. I am attending Cardinal Stritch to earn my Library Media Specialist license and to get my Masters in Instructional Technology. In regards to technology, I find there are times when it is very easy to incorporate it into my classroom and other times when time and resources just do not allow it. My goal is to try and stay in step with my students in terms of technology knowledge...or if I am lucky, one step ahead of them, which is difficult to do in today's classroom. I am looking forward to the next six weeks! Amanda Flood
My name is Lynn Slowiak, and I have been a communication arts and literacy teacher at John Long Middle School in Grafton for the past nine years. Next year, I am changing directions for the first time in my career; I will become the school's library media specialist. Although I am sad to leave my literacy classroom behind (more than I could have imagined!), I am excited to be in the position to have an impact on the literacy and media education of each and every student in the middle school.
One of the things I am looking forward to the most is taking our technology use from the basics (word processing, spreadsheets, PowerPoint, publishing) to the new 21st century media, like podcasting and blogging. No one in my school is currently using these, so I am excited to tackle the challenge of moving the school, staff, and students in this new direction.
My name is Jamie Kohlmeier and I teach lower-level mathematics at Milwaukee Lutheran High School. I believe technology should be our primary focus in education, because it has accelerated the speed of our world. It is difficult for adults to keep up with students because "you can't teach an old dog new tricks!" I hope when my master's degree is complete I can be more of a leader of tech advancements at my school.
My name is Sara Gull. I have been teaching for 14 years. I've taught middle school at a catholic school and them MPS. For the past 7 years I've been teaching fourth grade in Wauwatosa. Next year I begin yet another new job in the Elmbrook School District. I will be the Library Media Specialist at Brookfield Elementary School. Working with the early grades I will focus on building the love of literacy and great authors. In the upper elementary, it's all technology! I will be aligning tech lessons with state standards. I am extremely excited to be be in this class since everything we learn I will probably utilize in some way in my new job.
Technology can be frightening. It changes so fast and it's tough to stay current. I feel that technology can also be a huge motivator. Kids love to incorporate technology into their school work. I think this could be a way to reach out and inspire more kids. We need to fully prepare our students for their futures by giving them the tools and resources. Two important things we need to teach and make them aware of are evaluating their sources and how to be safe online!
My name is Barron Johnson. I have been teaching in P.E. and Health for about 10 years. I am quite excited about the topics that will be covered in this class. I have stumbling around like a blind man trying to get my classes engaged in the learning process. It drive me absolutely nuts when they simply spit out the information I introduced a day earlier. In addition to completeing my masters work I am confident that this class will "open my eyes" to some other ways to engage the students.
Maggie said...
My name is Maggie McDaniel.I have been teaching for 5 years. I work at Scott Middle School. Although I have reached the five year mark, I can proudly say that I love teaching and everyday I look forward to helping our future leaders be the very best that they can be. My main focus is to successfully incorporate technology in the classroom daily.I believe that technology is definitely a great teaching tool in the special education classroom setting.
My name is Maggie McDaniel and I teach Special Education CD level at Sarah Scott Middle School. I know that adaptive technology and software applications is a significant benefit in the special education classroom. It is extremely important for the educator to be well trained. This is why I have decided to pursue my Master degree in this concentration. I am very eager to learn how to teach my classroom new technology such as blogging and podcasting. Obviously, this is a major step from my basic use of technology that I currently use (i.e overhead projector,tape recorder...) I am looking forward finishing the this course with an abundance of new technology and ideas to incorporate in my lessons and classroom activities.
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